Monday 21 April 2014

Brand Positioning

L’OREAL has products for various categories of consumers, both mass, medium and high end. The pricing strategy is based on consumers’ perception of value (mass + prestige = Mass-tige market).
L’OREAL sells cosmetics through various channels from department stores to professionals in the industry.
L’OREAL spends 3.5% of its revenues on R&D.
L’OREAL’s portfolio management is inseparable from its brand positioning strategy. Chailan (2010) sees 3 main attributes to L’OREAL’s brand positioning strategy:
·         Radicalization: Brand multiplication makes it necessary for each brand to emerge with its own DNA, and to render brands completely discriminatory from each other.
·         Arbitration: dynamic and balanced network of complementary brands
·         Expansion matrix: globalization strategy, innovation attribution

R&D is centralized at L’OREAL, which induces high economies of scope but conflict may arise when attributing innovation to brands.