Friday 18 April 2014

Ways to achieve Strategic Alignment

Ways of achieving strategic alignment:

  •       Top – Down approach: Resource allocation is based on the company’s vision and specific goals.

  •      Bottom up approach: Strategic criteria are built into the project selection tools and thus strategic fit is achieved simply by incorporating strategic criteria into the Go/Kill and prioritisation methods.

  •        Top- Down and Bottom – Up approaches combined

Irrespective of the approach used, the following elements should be addressed:

·       Set Product Goals: E.g. percentage of revenue derived from new products the previous years. Percentage of profits to come from new products. Percentage of growth either revenue or profits
·       Analyze the market and the competition: PEST and competition analysis
·       Assess your market place: Identify customer latent needs, industry drivers, etc. Use of Porter’s 5 Forces (Porter)
·       Assess you company’s strengths and weaknesses: SWOT
·       Marketing and Sales
·       Product Technology

·       Operations or production capabilities and technology