Friday 18 April 2014

Expected Commercial Value


Pts: Probability of technical success
Pcs: Probability of Commercial Success
D: development costs
C: commercialization (launch) costs
PV: Net present value of project’s future earnings- cost – development – capital

This method seeks to max the expected value subject to certain budget constraints. ECV overcomes some of the NPV weaknesses:

ECV Advantages:
  •     It does not consider sunk costs
  •     It recognizes constraint resources and attempts to max the value of the portfolio in light of this constraint
  •    It yields the maximum value portfolio
  •    It considers risks and probabilities both commercial and technical

ECV Disadvantages:

Probability estimates are, by enlarge, unreliable: “pulling out numbers out of the air”
The method does not look at the balance of the portfolio between high and low risk projects or across markets and technologies.